Ezine Personal Recommendations

A Proven, Passive Way To Quickly Start Pulling In Sales!

One of the fastest ways to start generating passive income is to use email recommendations. If you run an active newsletter, a proven way to easily start generating commissions is to insert personal recommendations for our program whenever you do a broadcast or you can just quickly insert them into your auto responders.

This method has been tested to convert very well, as it is not perceived as a blatant advertisement, instead, it comes off as a very personal recommendation to your subscribers.

Email Recommendation #1:


o Recommended Resource -- Being The "Bad Boy" Women Compete & Fight For

     Download this and you'll learn exactly how and why 'bad boys' ALWAYS seems to get the hottest women around, bring them home and go 'all the way' with them soo easily without ANY form of rejection.

     Bad boys ultimately understand that the 'key' to creating attraction with women is by EMOTIONALLY STIRRING them, keeping them on their toes wondering "whats going to happen next" with the guy she's with. It's fun, it's UNPREDICTABLE, it's sooo 'dangerous' they can't help but to LOVE it even more!

     You can download your own copy here:

==> Insert Your Affiliate Link Here


http://www.datingprofitscenter.com/go.php?offer=<Your ClickbankID>&pid=5 


Email Recommendation #2:


o Recommended Resource -- How To The 'Hard To Get' Man Women Compete Over and Chase For

MTV Celebrity Superstars finally unlocks the vault to their inner secrets & reveals EVERYTHING: In this entertaining video, you'll learn the key 'nut and bolts' as to why nice guys finish last and 'bad boys' essentially get ALL the lay

You'll learn exactly what are disconnectors and exactly why it's GUARANTEED to create attraction with any woman you meet and comes with over 24 specific real-life examples & kick-butt one liners on how disconnectors are used on women)

I HIGHLY RECOMMEND it! This is your own personal download link to get it:

==> Insert Your Affiliate Link Here


http://www.datingprofitscenter.com/go.php?offer=<Your ClickbankID>&pid=5